Casting Call: The Forgotten Village
Dates: Rehearsal Saturday 12th December / 6 performance days w/c 14th December
Location: Kingston / Surbiton / Tolworth
Fee: £483 to include rehearsal day and 6 performance days
Project Type: Theatre: Interactive promenade performance for families
Company: The Community Brain
Project Details: This Christmas, after meeting a Traveller who tells of a long forgotten village, go on a journey to meet 4 familiar characters and undertake a quest to find the village and bring back love, kindness and the magic of Christmas to all the people there. The Forgotten Village is an interactive promenade performance made up of 5 monologues. Performers need to be experienced in children’s theatre, comfortable with interaction and the improv that comes with interactive performance and happy to perform outside. As there is only one rehearsal day, performers need to be willing to come to rehearsals off book. Rehearsals and performance will all be Covid compliant.
Audition: Thursday 3rd December by Zoom. Please prepare one monologue of your choice.
To Apply: Please send headshot, CV and cover letter outlining your appropriate experience to by 5pm Monday 30th November 2020
N.B. This show is currently set to go ahead but is subject to change as per government restrictions
The Traveller Female Identifying | Any Age
An older lady who has travelled the world and lost the Forgotten Village on the way. Although she is older, she has a timeless air about her so can be any age playing an older character. She sets the families off on their quest.
The Fairy Godmother Female Identifying | Any Age
A beautiful timeless fairy with a Mary Poppins type of surety about her. She wants to show the world how magic is everywhere in the smallest things if you just know where to look.
The Ugly Sister Male Identifying | Any Age
A cockney panto dame whose voice fluctuates between super feminine and high and gruff and low pitched. Typical panto dame with male-identifying performer playing her. She teaches our audience how beauty is in how you feel so everyone can be beautiful as long as you feel it.
Rumpelstiltskin Male Identifying | Any age
The Villain of our piece is a tricky imp reminiscent of Fagin. He tries to trick our families and they need to figure out who to believe to continue on their quest.
The Wise Old Man Male Identifying | 50+
Our final character is reminiscent of Father Christmas but we’re not quite sure if it’s him or not. He helps our families carry everything they’ve learned into the world around them.
